Saturday 13 April 2013

A powerful way to kill cancer from the inside out

A lack of education kills more people than cancer, heart disease and conventional medicine combined. Would we really see so much death and destruction if the majority of the people really knew about the value of fresh, clean food, water and air? And, if people really knew the truth about cancer - would they really subject themselves to cancer-promoting tests; risky surgical procedures and toxic chemicals?

In truth, we can prevent, even reverse cancer without submitting to life-threatening procedures or having poisonous chemicals injected into our veins. Find out how diet, supplements and lifestyle modifications can dramatically improve the quality of your life and eliminate the threat of cancer.

Kill cancer cells with high dose IV vitamin C therapy

Popularized by Linus Pauling, the leading chemist of the 20th century and, arguably, the greatest American scientist ever - Pauling suggested that taking 10,000 mg of vitamin C (every day) would help to eliminate cancer. Today, there are many integrative cancer specialists using IV vitamin C therapy as part of an overall strategy to kill cancer cells, detoxify the body and help strengthen the immune system - without harming the body.

According to Thomas Lodi, M.D., cancer cells are "unable to use oxygen to metabolize glucose into energy, they are either lacking or completely deficient in many enzymes that normal cells have in abundance. One such enzyme is "catalase," which transforms oxygen and water into hydrogen peroxide, and vice versa."

He goes on to say, "high doses of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) result in the production of peroxides in and around cells. Healthy cells use the hydrogen peroxide for certain metabolic needs and the excess is converted into water and oxygen (good stuff)."

"Since cancer cells have very little catalase, they are unable to convert the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen and consequently are oxidized and killed. So vitamin C is "good" for healthy cells and "bad" for cancer cells."

Don't become a victim of poor ideology and ineffective treatment programs. Learn how to kill cancer from the inside out. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Thomas Lodi, M.D. talk about how to reverse cancer - naturally.

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Explore the many health benefits of a natural, cancer prevention program

Cancer patients must make it a priority to reduce the stress in their lives. Meditation, acupuncture and sound-based energy medicine are some of the many ways to harmonize (optimize) bodily functions. The truth is mental and emotional states directly affect your physical wellbeing. Take time for yourself because you deserve it!

Organic, chemical-free food is essential for cancer prevention. Here's a list of just a few of the most powerful foods on the planet to boost your immune system and keep you cancer-free:

Apricot seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Chlorella, garlic, Goji berries, green tea, medicinal mushrooms (i.e. Chaga), turmeric, omega-3 oils, Amazon rainforest herbs (like Una de Gato), sea vegetables and sprouts. Learn how these foods can change your life!

This week's guest: Thomas Lodi, M.D. - Integrative Cancer Expert

Learn how diet, fasting and "juice feasting" is used to eliminate cancer - naturally

Thomas Lodi, M.D. completed his medical degree in 1985 from the University of Hawaii. After which - he moved to New York in order to complete his internship and residency in internal medicine at St. Lukes/Roosevelt Hospital affiliate of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Dr. Thomas Lodi, for the next ten years, worked in conventional settings as an internist, urgent care physician, and as an intensivist (ICU/CCU). The following three years - Dr. Lodi spent traveling around the world from Japan to Mexico, and throughout the United States to learn alternative approaches to healing. And now, Dr. Lodi's focus has narrowed over the following five years to integrative oncology (or cancer treatment) which he continues to this day.

In truth, we can prevent, even reverse cancer without submitting to life-threatening procedures or having poisonous chemicals injected into our veins. Find out how diet, supplements and lifestyle modifications can dramatically improve the quality of your life and eliminate the threat of cancer.

1 comment:

  1. nice article, thanx for sharing, i also want to share sth about how to cure cancer by boosting the immune is regarding a new
    cancer research by scientists at Immunocore. i read it on themedguru, a health news site.
