Tuesday 19 January 2016

Want to get ride of cellulite (lumpiness, Adipose tissue, orange peel syndrome, dermopanniculosis deformans, dimpled skin)

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite term used for referring to the dimpled skin. Almost many adult females around the world affects from this skin condition males usually affected. It is consider to be normal. It is found buttocks, and the abdomen.

Friday 24 May 2013

Four natural ways of getting rid of indigestion

 People often see the term "indigestion" as a way of referring to upper abdominal pain and/or heartburn that could be accompanied by a feeling of having a stomach full of gas, bloated sensations after eating, difficulty swallowing, feelings of heaviness after eating, abdominal or stomach cramps and pains, or fullness in the abdomen. Medical terms used to describe this phenomenon include non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD), gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), and functional dyspepsia (FD). This article will discuss four great ways to get rid of indigestion.

Natural ways of getting rid of indigestion

For people who experience chronic indigestion, the focus should be shifted from blocking the digestive process with the use of antacids to aiding digestion. Indigestion has a lot of causes, not just the increased secretion of hydrochloric acid, but it can also be triggered with the decreased secretion of the said acid, as well as other enzymes and digestive factors.

A lot of nutrition-oriented doctors believe that a lower amount of acid in the stomach is actually the main suspect among those who have indigestion. Here are four natural approaches that can help alleviate indigestion:

1)Use hydrochloric acid supplementation.

A lot of people who suffer from indigestion actually suffer from a lack of hydrochloric acid secretion. By taking supplements, there can be relief for those who have indigestion.

2)Change one's diet.

The first step in changing one's diet is by taking out any common dietary causes of NUD/GERD/FD. These include obesity, overeating, and intake of fried foods, chocolate, carbonated drinks, coffee, and alcohol. A lot of cases have been found that simply reducing the amount of causative foods from the diet or completely eliminating them could already relieve the people of their GERD.

3)Use peppermint oil that is enteric-coated.

Another natural product that many people take nowadays for indigestion is peppermint oil. This oil is placed inside special capsules that are specially coated to keep them from getting digested in the stomach. Peppermint has been found to be helpful in improving gastrointestinal function in people who have irritable bowel syndrome.

4)Take digestive enzymes.

Another functional cause of indigestion is the lack of digestive enzymes from the pancreas. When abdominal bloating and discomfort, heartburn, and gas formation occur within 15 to 30 minutes after eating, this could be attributed to the lack of hydrochloric acid secretion. If these symptoms occur after 45 minutes, this could be a sign of the lack of pancreatic enzymes. Products that contain digestive enzymes are most effective for the treatment of pancreatic insufficiency.

OTC and prescription drugs: Do they worsen indigestion?

A lot of experts say that prescription drugs and OTC (over-the-counter) drugs used for indigestion actually cause more problems rather than cure the condition. Acid-blocking drugs are among the most popular among these drugs, and these usually work by blocking what is considered to be the most important digestive process: The secretion of hydrochloric acid inside the stomach. However, these drugs also block digestion of the food eaten. These drugs, in turn, are associated with a lot of side effects, such as diarrhea, nausea, and constipation.

Sources for this article include:




Friday 3 May 2013

CT scans not safe for humans, experts warn

Although the use of computed tomography (CT) scans has become increasingly common, there is no reliable evidence that such scans are safe, according to a paper recently published in the journal Radiology.

"The number of CT exams in the U.S. has increased by about 10 percent each year over the past decade," said lead author John Boone, of the University of California-Davis. "This trend underscores the importance of developing a better understanding of the health risks of radiation exposure versus the benefits of enhanced diagnosis."

The article summarized the recommendations of the 20111 Radiation Dose Summit, which was organized in response to growing concern from medical professionals and the public about overexposure to radiation from CT scans. The summit's participants, including more than 100 radiologists, cardiologists, medical physicists, engineers, patient advocates and industry representatives, called for more safety research and issued recommendations on ways to reduce patients' radiation exposure.

Too much radiation, not enough data

The experts noted that few, if any, studies have directly examined the cumulative, lifelong effects of small, occasional doses of radiation delivered to specific areas of the body. Instead, safety standards for CT scans are based on studies of people exposed to single, large, whole-body doses of radiation - such as from industrial accidents or nuclear bombs.

"We don't know whether the established thresholds are really meaningful for exposure from medical testing," Boone said.

Unfortunately, collecting such data can be difficult. For one thing, even when CT devices deliver a standardized dose of radiation, the effective dose received by the patient can vary dramatically based on factors such as body size. And even if researchers can get an accurate picture of how much radiation a patient receives, cancer rates are so high that it can be difficult to pick out the influence of any one risk factor.

What is clear; however, is that some patients are getting too much radiation. A major cause of this is "wasteful imaging," when a doctor orders a CT scan that will be of limited medical value. This can occur because a doctor is unaware that such a test has already been performed, or because doctors simply want to err on the side of caution - either for medical reasons, or to avoid the risk of a lawsuit for negligence. To reduce such problems, the experts recommend the development of a national radiation exposure registry and standardized testing protocols.

Another factor leading to overexposure is non-standard device construction, which dramatically increases the risk of accidents.

"For some scanners, you turn a dial to the right to get a larger dose, and for others, turning it the same way gives a smaller dose," said Boone. "There are so many differences in current CT scanners, it can be like driving a car with the brake pedal on the left in the morning, then with the brake on the right in the afternoon."

Like cars, the experts said, CT devices should all be built on a single, basic design.



Article Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/040099_CT_scans_radiation_patient_safety.html#ixzz2SGTagtwW

How to prevent diabetes with everyday foods

According to the most recent statistics, about one-third of the entire U.S. population, or more than 100 million Americans, suffers from either diabetes or pre-diabetes, a blood sugar condition that can eventually lead to more serious health conditions and even death. And based on U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) projections, this number is expected to double by 2050 if trends continue at current rates. But you and your family do not have to fall victim to this sweeping diabetes epidemic -- here are some tips on how to alter your diet and lifestyle to avoid developing diabetes and potentially succumbing to premature death:

1) Eat more foods rich in quercetin. A member of the flavonoid family of antioxidants, quercetin has been shown to help lower blood glucose levels and improve plasma insulin levels, two factors commonly associated with diabetes (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19496084). Quercetin also helps neutralize damaging free radicals and inhibit inflammation, not to mention lower blood pressure in people with inflammation (http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/quercetin-000322.htm).

Foods that are high in quercetin include apples, citrus fruits, onions, parsley, sage, green tea, and red wine. Olive oil, grapes, dark cherries, and dark berries are also rick in quercetin and other flavonoids, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). And if dietary sources are not enough, quercetin is also available in supplement form, including in the Rejuvenate! Plus green superfood formula available at the NaturalNews store (http://store.naturalnews.com/Rejuvenate-Plus-500-g_p_95.html).

2) A teaspoon of cinnamon a day to keep the diabetes away. Cinnamon contains powerful blood sugar-stabilizing compounds that not only increase glucose metabolism by a significant amount, but also mimic the activity of insulin inside the body. Supplementing with cinnamon can also help slow the speed at which food empties from your stomach, inhibiting the blood sugar rush that often comes following a meal high in refined sugar and simple carbohydrates (http://www.huffingtonpost.com).

Most of the cinnamon you will find on grocery store shelves today comes from the "cassia" family of cinnamon, which is not necessarily the most medicinal variety. So-called "true" cinnamon, which is generally not as flavorful or as easy to find as cassia cinnamon, comes from the "Ceylon" family, and has a much lower ratio of coumarin, a blood-thinning compound, as well as higher overall nutrient content. However, all major varieties of cinnamon possess demonstrable diabetes-fighting properties (http://www.naturalnews.com/035642_cinnamon_blood_sugar_regulating.html).

3) Eat more broccoli, cruciferous vegetables. Rich in a cancer-fighting compound known as sulforaphane, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are an important part of an anti-diabetes diet because they protect blood vessels against cellular damage. Vitamin C, chromium, fiber, beta-carotene, and many other nutrients found in broccoli help protect against free radical damage, high blood sugar, and high levels of low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, cholesterol, all of which are linked to diabetes (http://www.nhs.uk/news/2008/08August/Pages/Broccolianddiabetes.aspx).

4) Exercise more, and cut out the junk food. This one might be a little more obvious, but simply engaging in physical activity regularly can have a huge impact on whether or not your body succumbs to a diabetic condition. Since obesity and poor physical health are major factors in diabetes, it only makes sense that exercising and eating right are important components for staying fit and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. It is best to start with shorter, higher-intensity workouts to get your metabolism going and lower insulin and leptin resistance, and gradually add in appropriate cardiovascular workouts.

As far as diet is concerned, it is best to avoid wheat and gluten-containing foods as these have been shown to interfere with glucose metabolism. Foods that contain ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), enriched flour, hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors, preservatives, food colorings, and genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) should also be avoided if you are serious about preventing diabetes. Stick with whole, organic foods; limit consumption of grains, including whole grains; and consume healthy fats, including saturated fats from unrefined coconut oil and grass-fed butter and pastured meat for optimal health (http://www.charlespoliquin.com).

5) Make sure you are getting plenty of magnesium and probiotics. More than 75 percent of the American population is said to be deficient in magnesium, a mineral your body needs to activate more than 300 unique and necessary biochemical reactions. Your bones, cells, organs, and tissues all rely on magnesium to function properly. Without enough magnesium, your immunity, skeletal system, heart, and circulatory system are all at serious risk. Making sure you intake high amounts of magnesium is crucial for protecting against hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes (http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/).

Similarly, probiotic bacteria, which populate the gut and regulate the immune system, are essential for thwarting the onset of diabetes. A study published earlier this year found that altering the microbiota balance of obese patients at high risk of diabetes can help reverse the metabolic effects linked to diabetes (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22798958).

To learn more about preventing and curing diabetes, visit:

Also, check out the book How to Halt Diabetes in 25 Days:

Sources for this article include:






Source Article: http://www.naturalnews.com/040180_diabets_prevention_foods_cinnamon.html#ixzz2SGLyszY0

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Eating red meat damages your heart, U.S. scientists verify

A recent highly publicized by mainstream media study supposedly confirms the suspicions of red meat and heart health. But it's not saturated fats they point to as the villain, it's a compound in red meat known as carnitine.

Studies with mice showed that gut bacteria breaks down carnitine. As the carnitine gets broken down by gut bacteria, the waste from this process creates a gas that ultimately creates trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) in the liver. [1]

TMAO can create arterial inflammation, they say. But of course, the doctors involved with this study frame this within the accepted cholesterol concerns. It's the formerly ignored carnitine that's the bad guy now because it creates cholesterol.

The report also put out a frightful message for vegetarians who use L-carnitine supplements. They proclaimed that they were more at risk because the L-carnitine supplements could foster the type of bacteria that would kindle the creation TMAO.

Amazingly, they suggest red meat eaters use antibiotics to eliminate those gut inhabiting bacteria that begin the TMOA creation cycle. Later in this article you'll discover a dissenting MD on these claims.

Unfortunately, this and other similar studies tend to make no distinction between factory farm commercial meat and meat from organically raised livestock. Of course, processed meats with nitrates are even worse and with increased risk factors for cancer and other diseases. [2-3]

For those who refuse to go vegetarian, it's wise to avoid processed meats and factory farm CAFO (confined animal feeding operation) beef or poultry. Those animals are forced into terribly crowded, filthy, and unhealthy confines.

They're inoculated heavily with antibiotics to stem diseases from those conditions and make them fatter. They're fed GMO grain mash foods, instead of grass, with toxic glyphosate (Roundup) pesticides residue traces. All these don't just disappear. They are ultimately consumed by you.

Paleo people should recognize that primitive man did not eat meats from CAFOs.
Try to get grass fed organic beef, pork, or poultry from sources that let the animals roam and graze a bit without getting injected with hormones and antibiotics.

Doctors who disagree with the cholesterol issue and this study

More than one MD has stepped out of the box, even Dr. Oz, to discredit the cholesterol scare that forces many to use statins. Former heart surgeon Dr Dwight Lundell is another. [4]

Statins do reduce cholesterol, and that's the problem. We need cholesterol for cell walls, brain cells, and the myelin sheath that protects our nerves. It also provides the first phase of converting sunlight to vitamin D3 (http://www.naturalnews.com/035033_cholesterol_disinformation_fats.html).

The side effects of statins are from its intended effects. Lowering cholesterol increases the likelihood of earlier dementia. Meanwhile, they do nothing to stave cardiovascular disease, which is the result of arterial inflammation or calcification.

Much of the arterial inflammation comes from processed trans-fatty acids, HFCS, and excess refined carbohydrate processed food diets. An imbalanced ratio of omega-6 to omega-fatty acids is another contributor, it should be 3 to 1 or less.

Calcium deposits in arterial walls also cause inflammation or calcification. It's important to take in ample magnesium and vitamin K2 to transport calcium out of blood vessels and into bone matter.

Dr. Robert Lustig's controversial lecture "Sugar: The Bitter Truth", which has gone viral on YouTube, details how cholesterol counts are useless unless you can detect a particular subtype of LDL that is often from high sugar and HFCS diets, not saturated fats.

Dr. Stephen Sinatra, who co-authored The Great Cholesterol Myth with Jonny Bowden, PhD, goes into detail on exactly what this subtype of LDL is, and how it creates inflammation by burrowing under the inner arterial wall's outer skin, but not by "clogging arteries". [5]

Dr. Sinatra also isn't keen on the study reported in this article. He does recommend eating less red meat and avoiding factory farm meats which are so contaminated with chemicals and antibiotics that it's impossible to isolate carnitine as the cause of TMAO. [6]

Sources for this article include

[1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-22042995

[2] http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/12/health/red-meat-shorten-lifespan

[3] http://no-baloney.com/2012/02/06/of-bacon-and-beets-nitrates-in-food/


[5] http://www.drsinatra.com/cholesterol-definition

[6] http://www.drsinatra.com/l-carnitine-is-not-only-safe-its-essential

Sunday 14 April 2013

Good Sinus Infection Home Remedy

It is not unusual for people to experience having a sinus infection more so as it is considered as one of the most common infections all over the globe. Why do people get sinus infection? It occurs when the sinuses get blocked because of an inflamed nasal passage. Most often, the inflammation is caused by dust or pollen. When the nasal passage becomes blocked, bacteria will attack the lining of the sinuses and this will lead to the infection. Its signs and symptoms include difficulty in breathing, colds, headache and fever. Many people get confused with it though as it shares its symptoms with flu. They often take flu medications not knowing that it is sinus infection that they are suffering from. Although there are over the counter medications for the said condition, many people would like to treat it naturally. Here are some of the most recommended home remedies for sinus infection.


Ginger is a hood sinus infection home remedy as it is known to help clear congestion and is able to give warmth to the body as well. You can use it as a ginger compress. Do this by grating about 1/4 cup of ginger root. Place this is in a pint of boiling water. Leave it to simmer for 15 minutes before straining. Dip a clean washcloth in the mixture. Wring the washcloth slightly before covering your face with it. It will also be of great help to drink Ginger tea regularly while you are recovering from a sinus infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Another good sinus infection home remedy is apple cider ainegar. It contains potassium which is thought to help relieve pain and decongestion caused by a sinus infection. This home remedy is one of the simplest as you only need to mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water. You should drink this twice or thrice a day in order to feel relief faster. Aside from being a good natural remedy for sinus infection, it is also effective in treating ear infections associated with it.

Steam Vapors

This is perhaps one of the easiest home remedy for sinus infection and one of the most tried. You should place hot water in a bowl and lower your head in order to inhale the vapors arising from it. Doing this will help in the drainage of mucus which will lead to relief from pain and discomfort. You may also want to add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil on the hot water. Eucalyptus is known not only as a sinus infection home remedy but also as a natural remedy for both common cold and fever.
These are only some of the best natural remedies for sinus infection. When recovering from the infection, it is best to stay healthy by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. If none of these are able to give you relief or if your symptoms become unbearable, you should not hesitate to consult your doctor.

Saturday 13 April 2013

A powerful way to kill cancer from the inside out

A lack of education kills more people than cancer, heart disease and conventional medicine combined. Would we really see so much death and destruction if the majority of the people really knew about the value of fresh, clean food, water and air? And, if people really knew the truth about cancer - would they really subject themselves to cancer-promoting tests; risky surgical procedures and toxic chemicals?

In truth, we can prevent, even reverse cancer without submitting to life-threatening procedures or having poisonous chemicals injected into our veins. Find out how diet, supplements and lifestyle modifications can dramatically improve the quality of your life and eliminate the threat of cancer.

Kill cancer cells with high dose IV vitamin C therapy

Popularized by Linus Pauling, the leading chemist of the 20th century and, arguably, the greatest American scientist ever - Pauling suggested that taking 10,000 mg of vitamin C (every day) would help to eliminate cancer. Today, there are many integrative cancer specialists using IV vitamin C therapy as part of an overall strategy to kill cancer cells, detoxify the body and help strengthen the immune system - without harming the body.

According to Thomas Lodi, M.D., cancer cells are "unable to use oxygen to metabolize glucose into energy, they are either lacking or completely deficient in many enzymes that normal cells have in abundance. One such enzyme is "catalase," which transforms oxygen and water into hydrogen peroxide, and vice versa."

He goes on to say, "high doses of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) result in the production of peroxides in and around cells. Healthy cells use the hydrogen peroxide for certain metabolic needs and the excess is converted into water and oxygen (good stuff)."

"Since cancer cells have very little catalase, they are unable to convert the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen and consequently are oxidized and killed. So vitamin C is "good" for healthy cells and "bad" for cancer cells."

Don't become a victim of poor ideology and ineffective treatment programs. Learn how to kill cancer from the inside out. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Thomas Lodi, M.D. talk about how to reverse cancer - naturally.

Visit: http://www.naturalhealth365.com and enter your email for FREE show details + a FREE gift!

Explore the many health benefits of a natural, cancer prevention program

Cancer patients must make it a priority to reduce the stress in their lives. Meditation, acupuncture and sound-based energy medicine are some of the many ways to harmonize (optimize) bodily functions. The truth is mental and emotional states directly affect your physical wellbeing. Take time for yourself because you deserve it!

Organic, chemical-free food is essential for cancer prevention. Here's a list of just a few of the most powerful foods on the planet to boost your immune system and keep you cancer-free:

Apricot seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Chlorella, garlic, Goji berries, green tea, medicinal mushrooms (i.e. Chaga), turmeric, omega-3 oils, Amazon rainforest herbs (like Una de Gato), sea vegetables and sprouts. Learn how these foods can change your life!

This week's guest: Thomas Lodi, M.D. - Integrative Cancer Expert

Learn how diet, fasting and "juice feasting" is used to eliminate cancer - naturally

Thomas Lodi, M.D. completed his medical degree in 1985 from the University of Hawaii. After which - he moved to New York in order to complete his internship and residency in internal medicine at St. Lukes/Roosevelt Hospital affiliate of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Dr. Thomas Lodi, for the next ten years, worked in conventional settings as an internist, urgent care physician, and as an intensivist (ICU/CCU). The following three years - Dr. Lodi spent traveling around the world from Japan to Mexico, and throughout the United States to learn alternative approaches to healing. And now, Dr. Lodi's focus has narrowed over the following five years to integrative oncology (or cancer treatment) which he continues to this day.

In truth, we can prevent, even reverse cancer without submitting to life-threatening procedures or having poisonous chemicals injected into our veins. Find out how diet, supplements and lifestyle modifications can dramatically improve the quality of your life and eliminate the threat of cancer.